Purpose of the committee - The Poudre Football Executive Committee will consist of a group of 6-8 individuals, each of whom is a key stakeholder for Poudre Football. This could include past coaches, school administration, parents, players, etc. Parents of current players should not be part of this committee to avoid potential conflicts of interest that could arise. A member of the coaching staff and a member of the touchdown club will be part of this group to help provide insight and direction to the group on current issues facing the team and parent community.
There are several key roles the executive committee will perform.
1) The committee will provide long term guidance and perspective to the Poudre Football program. This will be valuable in ensuring that the long standing traditions of excellence and integrity are part of Poudre Football for many years to come.
2) The committee will help serve as counsel and support for the head coach and coaching staff. This role is valuable in dealing with issues that can arise in regards to players, parents, opponents, officials, or others during the season. The committee will seek to alleviate some of the pressures and stresses that can come along from the difficult situations that can arise between these groups and the coaching staff, and will work to serve as an intermediary.
3) The committee will serve as a sounding board and resource for parents and players who have gone through the normal process of dealing with conflicts with other players, parents or coaches. Having a committee to help deal with these issues should lead to improved conflict resolution outcomes, and put less strain on both coaches and school administration.
4) When the time comes to hire a coach the committee would be a natural fit to be part of a coaches hiring committee. The committee would work with the administration and provide consistent guidance and perspective.
5) The committee can help provide guidance and support for major fundraising initiatives or implementing strategic goals of the football program. This could include a large scale capital campaign in regards to expansion and improvement of facilities and equipment that fall out of the scope of the normal touchdown club goals and budget.
6) The committee can oversee the selection of the different scholarships that the Touchdown Club has been giving out each year. This will create some consistency in the selection process over time and take any current parent out of having to be part of the decision making.
7) The committee can oversee the selection and the creation of the Poudre Football Hall of Fame, a concept that we have been discussing for some years. The actual process of this would still need to be determined.
Logistics of the Committee
- The committee typically will meet on a quarterly basis. They will be briefed on the current status of the team from the coach in attendance. They will also be briefed on current issues facing the touchdown club.
- The committee will be developing general bylaws and policies over time that can be used as a template in how to best support the current team and parents.
- If there are any parent or athlete related conflicts that required the involvement of the executive committee this will be discussed on an as needed basis.
- The committee will release an annual report to the entire Poudre Football organization that will summarize any action items that need to be addressed. This will provide a high level overview for boosters, alumni and other Poudre Football supporters.
Members of the Poudre Football Executive Committee:
Poudre #1
Committee President
Poudre History
Poudre #2
poudre history
poudre #3
history background
If you would like to reach out to the executive committee regarding a specific issue please contact us.
Please Call our Board President:
Or Email the Board President:
Thank you for reaching out. We will be in contact shortly.